Tuesday, July 17

Scottish Modellers E-Group and The Photo List

Just a quick entry tonight to point you to the extremely useful "Scottish Modellers" eGroup which is hosted on Yahoo! There's a link on the right.

By joining this moderated email forum I've had the opportunity to converse and collaborate with some of the leading modellers of the Scottish Railway scene. The Timber P project mentioned a few days ago has sprung out of this collaboration and the comment on the Blog come from members of that group.

In addition, you can access my Excel file indexing published photos of the West Highland line, which I've been working on recently, and which now includes over 950 photos from 40+ sources, ranging from 1896 to 2007. If you leave a message with your email address in the comments section, I'll email you the latest version, but I keep the one on the eGroup up to date.

Popped in to see Paul at AP Models and collect my latest purchases - the Heljan 27 in its 5380 BR Blue guise, and a red BRT hopper as used on the Alumina trains in the mid eighties.

Finally, the 31 on trial, mentioned in the first post, was at Fort William in July 1958 and is pictured there in BR Fleet Survey Volume 1.

All the best

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